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Rohan, Schimmel and Wyman
Malcolm McLaughlin
Pet Sitting Service
571 Turner Extensions
New Keagan, ME 44467-9400
Senger and Sons
Percy Feil
Pet Sitting Service
18728 Elsa Points
Shieldsworth, CA 95559-2685
Heathcote, Pouros and Fay
Laury Gibson
Pet Sitting Service
85867 Auer Estate
South Rozella, SC 76787-1377
Heaney, Berge and Wolf
Guillermo Tromp
Pet Sitting Service
0139 Dejah Court
Port Dixiebury, OH 02356-1813
Dog Pedigrees Online
Miles Michelson
Pet Sitting Service
435 White Pine Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32034
Springville Labradoodles
Dixie Springer
Pet Sitting Service
P O Box 1347
Silverton, OR 97381
Torp - Tremblay
Daisy Hermiston
Pet Sitting Service
75341 Floyd Extension
North Maeburgh, WA 53210-0843
Hammerpond Kennels and Cattery
Hammerpond Kennels and Cattery
Set in an idyllic countryside setting, we are a family business, managed and run by owners Sue and Ian Farrell. This is not just a business to us but a passion and we look after the needs of all animals that board with us, as if they were our own family pets.
Hammerpond Road
Plummers Plain, NY RH13 6PE
Hammerpond Kennels and Cattery
Tender OAK Labradors
Tender OAK Labradors
Pet Sitting Service
13907 El Monte Road
Lakeside, CA 92040
Gulgowski - Hartmann
Peyton Goyette
Pet Sitting Service
5097 Georgiana Bypass
East Moises, ME 79176-0892
Bubble Pets
smith lobo
Pet Sitting Service
16 Purvis St #02-00
Purvis, AL 188595
Hayes LLC
Maymie Schoen
Pet Sitting Service
8492 Celia Locks
Nitzschetown, AL 11269-7775
Von - Smitham
Zelma Littel
Pet Sitting Service
2841 Emard Extensions
West Heloiseshire, OH 90103
Padberg - Blanda
Ara Price
Pet Sitting Service
364 Conroy Bridge
Dessieburgh, OH 83257
Champion Dog Training
Dog Training
Pet Sitting Service
7139 NW 49 Ct
Lauderhill, FL 33319
Dog Training
Erdman - Hayes
Adrien Pagac
Pet Sitting Service
5507 Schiller Lane
East Agnes, AZ 62142-7780
Kulas LLC
Davion Klein
Pet Sitting Service
14241 Jacques Gateway
Lefflerberg, ME 95862-5438
Fisher, Ryan and Spencer
Erick Abernathy
Pet Sitting Service
10905 Berta Mountain
Lake Sincere, HI 43417-3046
Turcotte Inc
Malachi Watsica
Pet Sitting Service
54061 Frami Trail
Millscester, ID 45021-0992
McLaughlin LLC
Elfrieda Turcotte
Pet Sitting Service
6871 Eleazar Trace
Arvelview, ME 05085
Nikolaus, Dach and Harvey
Heather Weimann
Pet Sitting Service
46506 Mason Port
Millsshire, WA 08023
Funk - Carter
Josianne Mosciski
Pet Sitting Service
0475 Denesik Row
New Selinachester, TN 63344-3922
Wilkinson, Harvey and Marquardt
Jonatan Lynch
Pet Sitting Service
454 Jeremie Mall
Rosiehaven, OK 78673-8118
Weissnat LLC
Candida Krajcik
Pet Sitting Service
9512 Stracke Fort
New Rochelle, WA 43808-3906
We are located in beautiful Long Island of New York. We are a small show and hobby breeder with over 15 years of experience, specializing in Biewer Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers of quality to approved homes only. We prefer pet homes for our Biewer Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier puppies, but occasionally approve breeding homes.
1 Revere Rd
Roslyn, NY 11577
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